Untroubled Lite
An online course for women
Does this sound like you?
You get strong waves of anxiety, guilt or irritability.
You often beat yourself up for things you've said or done
You overthink EVERYTHING! From texts you've sent, to the best route to get to a destination.
You struggle to trust your judgement and feel like you need someone to validate your opinion before you act on it.
You say 'yes' to pretty much all requests and even anticipate other's needs and offer before they ask.
You feel like the idea of self-care is laughable. You rarely do it because you've too much to do or don't feel you deserve it, plus you struggle to know where to start.
How you got stuck here (how your past has shaped your struggles).
Would you like to get clarity on:
Your hopes and dreams for yourself (which you've not allowed yourself time to consider because you're always doing things for other people)
The fears and behaviours that are get in the way when you try to do things for yourself
What would your life be like if...
You knew why you get stuck in self-sabotage patterns and always back off from opportunities or change.
You had my 4-step S.A.F.E. strategy to get your day back on track when something upsets or throws you off course.
You could feel confident to follow what you really want, rather than going along with what you think others want all the time.
You had a Boundaries Blueprint to stop you defaulting to the old habit of 'giving-in-and-saying-yes'.
You could get out of your own head and come back to what's happening in the moment.
Imagine being less snappy with your kids and partner...
Imagine being able stand up to your tricky boss or friend...
Imagine feeling closer to your loved ones because you're more emotionally present...
Imagine working less and doing more of the things you always wish you had time for like exercise, friends and relaxing...
You don't need to just imagine this, you can get this for yourself with Untroubled Lite. A course that will teach you the psychological skills you need to get there.
These 9 modules will teach you what you need to get there:
Rewire your Anxious Brain
Learn how your nervous system works and why you think and behave in ways you dislike when you later feel calm (reassurance seeking; snapping; heart racing; feeling guilty).
Life Map
You explore how your life experiences (role in the family; events that happened; family rules and so on) have shaped your self beliefs and how this influences you in the present-day.
Trigger Formula
Learn your unique set of triggers (thigs that set off your anxiety system) and CBT skills for reducing this.
Your PAUSE button
Learn how mindfulness works, the benefits to your mood and develop your own manageable practice, including a week-long challenge to get the habit started.
The S.A.F.E. Method
My 4-step plan for moments that feel overwhelming (panic attacks; feeling agitated or overwhelmed)
The Emotions-Balancer
Learn skills in boosting your self-esteem and self-worth from Compassion Focussed Therapy
Your Purpose Profile
Your Freedom-Framework
Get clear on your 'why', your values, what lights you up (particularly important when you've done things for others for so long that you are clueless with what your values really are). We draw on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) here.
Learn skills in staying on track with your values, even when life throws curve balls.
Learn what healthy boundaries look life and how to start setting these (including practical scripts).
BONUS Modules by experts
Toxic Relationships
Hormones and mood (and how to cycle track)
Nutrition for good mood
Trauma Release Exercise (TRE) (practical session)
Trauma-informed Yoga (practical session)
Grief and non-death losses
See inside Untroubled Lite: click on this video:
I'm Dr Claire Plumbly creator of Untroubled Lite!
A Clinical Psychologist with a passion for helping people who are overwhelmed, anxious and caught up in associated behaviours like people-pleasing, over-thinking, overworking or procrastinating.
I love bringing therapy tools out of the therapy room to make them accessible to more people who would benefit from them.
This course is my tried-and-tested pathway through the evidence-based therapy tools including:
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Compassion Focused Therapy
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Stop struggling with anxiety and overwhelm on your own. By learning the powerful psychological tools from an experienced psychologist you can start to enjoy more freedom and confidence.
Untroubled Lite is especially for you if:
You are ready to learn and practice evidence-based tools from psychological therapy to see change.
You like a structured approach to changing habits and being directed in the specific steps to take to achieve it.
You would like to be part of a community of like-minded women who are on the same journey as you (evidence shows that habits are more likely to stick when we mix with others who support us).
You would like access to a Clinical Psychologist to ask questions about applying the tools without the intensity of full 1-1 therapy.
By the end of this course you:
Will feel less exhausted from trying to keep everyone happy (AKA people-pleasing)
Will be able to nip over-thinking in the bud
Will know how to calm intense emotions effectively
Will stop being held back by The Fear when stepping out of your comfort zone (applying for jobs, going on dates or giving your opinion)
Will have tools to stop procrastinating, over-working or being perfectionist to avoid being criticised.
And ultimately will be able to be kind to yourself when life gets tough...
How does it work?
When you buy Untroubled Lite you get access to 9 modules.
During that time you progress through the Untroubled learning pathway, which involves 5-15 minute videos (manageable bite-sized chunks). As you watch these I give you exercises to implement so you can move forward quickly and start to see improvements. You’ll hit milestones throughout the course and can share these with me in the facebook group.
By the end of the first 4-5 weeks you’ll have a clear sense of how and why your brain ticks as it does and tools to cope with intense emotions. The videos can take as little as 12 weeks to work through but we all know that real change takes time so you can access support from the facebook group for up to 18 months.
The Community
For 18 months you have access to a small, friendly group on Facebook called The Self-Care Collective. You do not need to share any private background information about yourself here. It is a private and hidden group so only the other people in the group will know that you are a member.
Being part of this community means that you will not feel alone anymore, you will be alongside others who want the best for you too, if you haven’t had much of this in your life before then this can be so healing.
I am available to answer questions about the course in the Facebook group once a week (sometimes more often).
Is this right for you?
You need to be a female over the age of 18.
If you are currently in crisis (getting suicidal thoughts or at risk of harming yourself), then you need a higher level of support and this course cannot offer this. Speak to your GP as soon as possible or call the Samaritans on 116 123. I’m afraid that I cannot provide an emergency service.
You need to be motivated to learn therapy techniques from CBT, Mindfulness, Acceptance & Commitment Therapy and Compassion Focussed Therapy.
You may have had therapy before but want a refresher or to maintain progress.
You may feel blocked from going to one-to-one therapy, typical reasons are that this would be too intense or you’d struggle to open up. Or that you believe that your issues aren’t bad enough to take up a therapist’s time (which isn’t true but can be a real obstacle to getting help).
You may be on a waiting list for one-to-one therapy and ready to get going with learning the skills and psychological knowledge that would be covered in those early sessions anyway.
If you think that you suffer from CPTSD please get in touch first.
OK so how do I join Untroubled Lite?
Get going today by clicking here:
Or get in touch with Claire with any questions: info@drclaireplumbly.com.
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